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Atonement Ministries

If you are interested in volunteering in any of these areas, the contact information can be found in the directory or in the information 3-ring binder in the library.

In addition to assisting with the tasks below, we have the following council committees that congregation members are invited to serve on:

Atonement Lutheran Church

AARP Smart Driver Class – Scheduled as needed

Debbie Grzybowski

Advent Celebration – 1 st Saturday in December, 10am-Noon

Faye Matson, Linda Malvin


Bible Studies

Tuesdays, 9am Men & Women

Library - Carol McCall

Wednesdays, 8am Men’s - Zoom only

Contact Pastors for link
Thursdays, 10am Men's - SE Fellowship Hall

John Anderson
Thursdays, Noon Women's - Library

Karen Vann
Casa de Oracion - Fridays, 6pm


Bloodmobile - 1 st Tuesday of even months (February, April, etc) - Nancy Johnson, Joyce Raetz, Julie Ghere.

Blood Service
100 Robert St S, St Paul MN 55107-1489
651-291-4644-or 651-308-5609


Book Club - 3rd Monday of every month – 5:30pm or 12noon (varies depending on month),

Site varies, Kay Defries


Book Nook - Mata Carlson, Donna Purinton, Penny Gorman

Bread Makers - Heavenly Bodies - 2nd Wednesday of the Month, 8am, Kitchen
Gerry Kline, Irene Oberman, Arlene Omlid


Card Ministry - Youth Cards, 3rd Thursday, 10am
Birthday Cards, 3rd Thursday, 1pm
Mata Carlson


Care Notes - Lucy Thomas

Children’s Worship Bags - Irene Oberman



Naomi Circle - 4th Tuesday of every month, 1pm, Library
Karen Vann
Elizabeth Circle - 3rd Wed of every month, 9:30am, Fellowship Hall
Sue Schmidt


Coffee & Conversation – Coordinated by Service Groups
Group 1: Arlene Omlid, Beth Schramm
Group 2: Kay Josephs, Carol McCall
Group 3: Sandra Carpenter, Kay Defries
Group 4: Karen Vann, Linda Malvin
Group 5: Dorothy Paulson, Sue Schmidt
Group 6: Sheila Molde, Barb Borth/Arnie Burzynski
Group 7: Nancy Johnson, Paulette Nathe


Communion Assistants - Sundays

Deb Heltemes, Diana Vaverek


Council - Committee Meetings: 2 nd Thursday, 7pm,
Council Meetings: 4th Thursday, 7pm, Rm 3-4 or Fellowship Corner
Executive Committee: 4th Thursday, 6:30pm, Library

Members are invited to serve on the following Council committees.


Donation Center - Kay Defries


Faith Chest Ministry - Dennis Hensel, Talleiv Vollen


Faith Formation -

Confirmation - Every Wednesday during school year at 7:15pm; Grades 6-12
Pastors John and Tim
Wednesday School, 5:45pm, 3 year olds through 5th grade
Mata Carlson, 320-252-6203,


Flag Raising/Lowering

Jim Page, Don Stello

Food Shelf Volunteers - September

Karen Vollen

Funeral Hosts

Debbie Grzybowski, Kathy Matthies, Carol McCall, Kay Josephs


Funeral Dinners

Debbie Grzybowski, Arlene Omlid, Dorothy Paulson

Habitat for Humanity

Kris Lehman, Kris Boyle

Home Delivered Meals - Monday deliveries from St Cloud Hospital

Beth Schramm


Kitchen Hosts

Debbie Grzybowski, Arlene Omlid, Dorothy Paulson

Knitters, Crocheters

Bonnie Bush


Lefse - Sold at Advent Celebration
Eric Vollen, Nancy Johnson


Legacy Fund - This is an endowment that only a percentage allowed by law is dispersed each year. Uses for funds include scholarships and building projects. The committee is appointed by the Council President which each having term limits.

Lent Wednesday Lunches - Provided by various groups / committees
Coordinated by Council President



Carol McCall


Mailings (Bulk)

Sheila Molde, Beth Schram

Men’s Group - Meets Tuesdays, 10am in SE Fellowship Hall
Gary Heltemes



Financial donations for School Supplies (July) - Kris Boyle
Coat Drive / Mittens for Madison - Kris Boyle, Ione Jacobs
Giving Tree (begins first weekend in Advent)
Families in need obtained from Lutheran Social Services
Tim / Linda Schreiber, Deb Niemeyer
Food Collections - Kay Defries
Community Packing Projects - Mata Carlson, 320-252-6203,


Money Counters

Dave Blommel



Director of Music Ministry: Marcia Handahl
Adult Choir: Eric Vollen - Practice Wednesdays during school year, 7:15pm, Music Room
Handbells: Jordan Goodwater - Practice Thursdays during school year
Praise Worship: Jason Ploof, Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm, an occasional Sunday


Office Volunteers

Kay Defries

Olive Wood Products (sold at Advent Celebration)
Mata Carlson, 320-252-6203,


Prayer Chain - Contact Office to be added for prayers or one who prays for others.


Prayer Beads - Second Friday at 1pm, Library
Mata Carlson, 320-252-6203,


Prayer Quilts - Julie Huseth, Faye Matson

Quilting - Pieces of Love - Every Thursday, 9am, Rooms 15-16
Julie Huseth, Faye Matson
Quilters of Atonement - Every Wednesday, 9am, Rooms 17-18
Women’s trips to Global Health Ministries and LWR with quilts
Angie Faundeen


Readers (at Worship)

Sign up on the Worship Assistants’ board.


Screen / Camera (at Worship)

Sign up on the Worship Assistants’ board.


Serving Groups

Serving groups provide an opportunity to meet people, build friendships, and have fun while filling a need for the congregation. Each household of Atonement is placed on one of seven serving groups. These groups provide treats and workers for the Sunday morning fellowship time following worship. The groups serve one month at a time and rotate throughout the year. In addition,
occasionally a serving group may be asked to provide treats for other for funerals and other events. About one month before a group serves, the group chairpersons will send a postcard to advise when they will be in the church hallway for you to sign up.

Group 1: Arlene Omlid, Beth Schramm
Group 2: Kay Josephs, Carol McCall
Group 3: Sandra Carpenter, Kay Defries
Group 4: Karen Vann, Linda Malvin
Group 5: Dorothy Paulson, Sue Schmidt
Group 6: Sheila Molde, Barb Borth/Arnie Burzynski
Group 7: Nancy Johnson, Paulette Nathe


Staff Support Committee

This committee is chaired by the Council’s Vice President and other members are appointed by the President with term limits. The purpose is to support staff primarily by listening and directing concerns to those who can resolve issues.

Ushers (at Worship)

Sign up on the Worship Assistants’ board.

Arlene Omlid

Wedding Coordinator

Melissa Blommel


Wednesday Night Suppers during School Year
Pizza ordered by office staff
Rest of meal is coordinated by Patti Gabrielson


WELCA Conference Events

Barb Borth

Women of Atonement

Debbie Grzybowski

Worship Environment

Sue Schmidt, Tim Schreiber

For more information about Atonement please contact us.

Welcome, Worship, and Serve in the name of Christ

Mission: Welcome all to share in God's gift of love and grace.

Worship: Wed 6:30 pm, Sun 9 am

©Atonement Luthern Church

1144 29th Avenue North​​

St. Cloud MN 56303


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