Packing Projects
Community Packing Projects educate our youth and adults in a multi-generational setting about charity as an integral part of Christian life. Donations are accepted to cover the costs.
If you are inspired to join us and contribute to this vital community service, we warmly invite you to volunteer. Please contact us to learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference.

Pathways for Youth (September) 50 cloth bags with cleaning supplies, basic necessities to start living on their own: dish towel, dish cloths, sponges, paper towels, toilet paper, disinfectant wipes, hand soap, laundry soap, clothes softener, dust cloth, laundry bag, dish soap, toilet bowl cleaner, toilet brush, window spray cleaner. Distributed by Lutheran Social Services.
Birthday Bags (October) 100 bags with cake mix, frosting, candles, paper plates, napkins and small gift. Distributed by Catholic Charities Food Shelf.
Blizzard Bags (November) 100 bags with each bag will have a can of soup, crackers, juice, tuna/chicken salad, fruit and cookie. Distributed by Home Delivered Meals.
Homeless Kits (January) Each of the 100 kits (80 men, 20 women) will have personal care items, socks, gloves and hats. Distributed by Homeless Helping Homeless.
Lunch bags for Homeless (February or March) Each 100 bags will have a sandwich, chips, cookie, juice, and fruit cup. Distributed by Homeless Helping Homeless.
Cookies for First Responders (April) 65 dozen cookies, individually wrapped, distributed to ambulance, police, fire departments of Sartell, Sauk Rapids, St. Cloud, St. Joseph, Waite Park, St. Cloud Hospital Emergency Room and sheriff department of Stearns County with a thank you note.
Pockets of Hope (May) Items in 20 back packs: notebook, pen, small game, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, toothpaste / toothbrush, deodorant, comb/brush, small photo album, chapstick, gum, fruit snack, nightlight; for girls feminine products and hair ties. Distributed by Stearns and Benton Counties social workers and the Child Advocacy Program.