I'm New
Welcome to Atonement
What is worship like?
Sunday, 9am worship is traditional, except once a month is contemporary. Wednesday worship is contemporary. During the summer months, worship is at 6pm; during the school year it is 6:30pm. Holy Communion is celebrated at all worship services. All are welcome to receive communion.
What is available for my children?
Atonement welcomes children to worship! We love it when children participate in the church service. We encourage all ages, especially our littlest ones. We don't mind hearing from the little ones. We would ask all parents to help children participate in worship, but we hope our 'busy bags' help when they need another activity. The bags are filled with books, crayons, pencils and note pads and are located on a post in the sanctuary, with a reading area. Children are welcome to enjoy them during worship. Thank you for returning the bags following the service.

What should I do after worship?
After Sunday Service come into Fellowship Hall to enjoy coffee and treats while having an opportunity to chat with other people in attendance. This is also the time that Adult Education sessions are held.
How should I dress?
Casual dress is welcome at Atonement.