Worship Schedule
Wednesday 6:30 pm
Sundays 9 am
All are welcome to participate in the life and ministries of Atonement.
We have assisted listening devices available, just ask one of the ushers.
Our building is wheelchair accessible.
Closed captioning is provided on recorded services.
If you have specific questions about accommodations, please contact us.

Worship Ministries:
For worship services, a number of volunteers are needed at each. Members are encouraged to engage as an usher, reader, greeter, camera operator, run the power point, and assist with communion. To sign up for any of these, please do so on the easel in the narthex. If you are new to any of these roles and need more information, please contact us.
Music Ministries:
Atonement is fortunate to have talented singers, bell ringers, pianists, organists, and directors who, through their efforts, enhance our worship. Members who have musical talent and play instruments are invited to contact the Director of Music, Marcia Handahl.
Handbell Choir, under the direction of Jordan Goodwater, practices on Thursdays, 6pm. They also occasionally play at other churches and venues.
The Choir, under the direction of Eric Vollen, practices on Wednesdays, 7:15pm, during the school year. Junior high students and older are invited to join! The choir has been invited to join other choirs for special concerts.